Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Find the Blessings in Bad Days

I found myself having a bad day yesterday, so naturally I went to one of my "thinking spots". I am learning that if you can count your blessings when you're having a bad day, the day won't seem so bad. I'm truly thankful to love in a place with such a beautiful view, and I am thankful for my many thinking spots around town. 
To me this picture taken represents hope, bravery, and endurance. This picture will also be a lasting reminder of the day I learned to make my bad days into good days. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Let your BEST TRAIT be individuality. My favorite people have always been the type who are not afraid to march at the beat of their own drum, in todays society we find a lot of molds of the same type of person. I think everyone goes through a phase of doing what the "cool crowd does", or wearing what the "cool crowd" is wearing. My favorite example is what I like to call my vain stage, in middle school I wouldn't wear anything that wasn't abercrombie or hollister but how unfortunate is that, I wore overpriced things that I didn't like for the right reasons. To me my vain stages were only a testimony of my insecurity, and I refuse to live my life as a shadow. Sadly some people get into a routine of the vain stage and can't find their way out of the trap, but I can't think of a bigger shame because we are all unique and we all have something to offer if we could just realize how valuable we truly are. So I dare you to let your BEST TRAIT to be individuality.
To me, this picture is a statement of embracing qualities, I loved seeing this vandalism in Knoxville (not a supporter of vandalism) because it shows flaw and it shows individuality.
as always thanks for reading xoxo 

Monday, September 30, 2013


Last year I started ashleysmoment, and I forgot about it. Today I find myself at a point in my life where I have the chance to be lost. When people think of the term "lost" it comes with a negative connotation. However, I'm using this post to say otherwise. Last year I suffered from a liver infection that made me very sick, last year I also graduated high school. Most people go straight from high school to college, and I too, would have had I not been so sick. In the beginning saying goodbye to my friends as they left for college was heartbreaking, but what I didn't know is how thankful I would be to have the chance to be still and alone. In this time without my best friends I have found a lot of clarity and I think that it will serve me well when I do head to college in January. What I have found is that being lost has given me ample time and opportunity to discover who I am as a person. The question I have been asking myself the most is if I am happy with who I am today, and if I'm not happy, what is the cause of that? Before I close with this post I do want to say that while I do think being lost is one of the greatest opportunities, it is not lost on me that the action I take and the decisions I make within the next ten years will be the foundation for the rest of my life. I hope you will embark with me on this journey through self discovery.
I took this picture last September after visiting University of Tennessee on a drive in between Knoxville and Clarksville Tennessee and I think this photo represents choices, chances, and opportunity.